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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Death Doula?

A Death Doula, or End-of-Life Doula, or Death Midwife is a non-medical, holistic practitioner who guides individuals and their families through the dying process by way of presence, support, advocacy, education, and companionship. Just as birth doulas support mothers birthing a new life, a death doula supports individuals leaving this life into the next.


How does a Death Doula's Help?

The presence of an End-of-Life Doula will allow you and your loved ones to focus on what is most important, your loves ones. By creating a space in which we can process grief and forgiveness, as well as carry out ceremonies and/or rituals while bringing holistic healing practices to the sacred process of dying.  You and your loved ones will feel secure throughout this entire process.


As an End-of-Life Doula, I will help to identify life and care priorities by co-creating a "Best Three Months" vision plan with You.  You may find a Death Doula to be a great resource around conscious dying work such as Grief Support, Companionship for the Elderly, Green Burial, Caregiver Respite, Funeral Planning and VSED (Voluntary Stopping Eating & Drinking) and much more.


Embrace the Peace & Joy in providing comforting support for your loved one and family.


How are death doulas different from funeral directors or hospice workers?

End-of-Life Doula services do not replace hospice’s medical team of nursing and physician care.  Instead, we complement hospice teams seamlessly.  I highly recommend every individual and family facing a terminal illness and end-of-life to call their local hospice as soon as possible.


Death Doulas offer more time, more personalized attention, more continuity at bedside, more advocacy, and more availability beyond what hospice is normally able to provide due to Medicare guidelines. Our extensive training exceeds what hospice volunteer programs provide as each of us have faced in depth our fears and emotions around death. We are trained and practiced in dealing with intense and difficult emotions. Our presence and companionship at vigil and at death, our advocacy in hospitals or at home, our coaching to customize end-of-life care plans for spiritual, physical, practical and life review needs, and most of all, our consistent relationships with our clients are not a service offered anywhere else.


When should I contact a Death Doula? 

End-of-Life Doulas can be contacted at any time during the end-of-life process. The sooner the doula can enter into the process, the more time can be spent getting to know the individual and family, creating quality care plans, prioritizing end of life needs, and creating sacred space and meaning for the individual and family.


I already have a Hospice Team.  What can a Death Doula add?

As an End-of-Life Doula, I will be your greatest advocate through the death and dying process for you in any care setting, supporting you in the kind of care you want and need, and filling the gap between medical and hospice care.

I provide support to meet your emotional, spiritual and non-medical physical care needs before, during and after death. I am trained in Holistic Care modalities that bring comfort and peace to the Dying.


Is a Death Doula religious?  What if I am not?

As an End-of-Life Doula, I completely honor diverse beliefs and practices. I am present to identify, honor and carry out the beliefs, cultural practices and values that bring the individual and family comfort and peace.


What does a usual visit look like?

A visit can look many different ways but is always structured around the needs of the client on any given day depending on their end-of-life stage and how they are feeling.


For example, in the early stages of the dying process there may be intimate conversations, gentle movement techniques and massage, guided release meditations, music and breath work practices that would make up a visit. Closer to the end-of-life and sitting vigil, the visit may include hand holding, Reiki, synchronized breathing, holding loving presence with soft music or toning.


Is it possible to meet my Death Doula in advance to be sure they're a good fit?

Absolutely! We can schedule a 30 minute Care Zoom call with you, the individual and family member(s). You may prefer to schedule an in-person visit.


Important to note: Introducing an EOL Doula to the Hospice/Palliative Care Team in the early stages is beneficial in building relationships and creating a collaborative Team to best serve you/and or your loved one. You may wish to contact your Health Insurance to see if End-of-Life Doula services may be covered.


What are the Conscious Dying Principles?

  • Increase Beauty, Pleasure Contentment

  • Provide Emotional and Spiritual Support

  • Initiate Conversations About the Dying Process

  • Practice Selfcare to Reduce Burnout & Emotional Fatigue

  • Demystify the Stages of the Dying Process

  • Acknowledge Mysteries, Miracles and Unexplained Events

  • Learn How to be With Intense Emotions

  • Honor Other's Beliefs

  • Be a Steward of Conscious Deaths

  • Attend at the Bedside - No One Dies Alone


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